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Quick and Easy Ways to Remove Old Helmet Decals

You need to remove those old decals from your football helmet. Perhaps you are sending it in to be reconditioned. Maybe you are changing the old school letter to a mascot design, or changing the color of your stripes. Whatever may be the reason, here are some quick and easy techniques using common items you may have around the house of gym.Depending on the quality of the decals, simply taking the edge of an...Continue reading

How to Apply Football Helmet Decals Without Fear

Perhaps you are the new football coach, or volunteered to be the equipment manager for the football team. One of the first tasks you will tackle is applying your team's decal on your freshly minted (or recently reconditioned) football helmets.You might be forgiven for waiting until the last minute to apply the decals. You want them to look perfect for the opening kickoff. This is when you realize you had...Continue reading